Hindu kush thc und cbd

If you've ever taken a hit of Hindu Kush, you've essentially smoked a piece of history Landrace from Hindu Kush. THC. 18-20%.

Purple Hindu Kush has an earthy aroma with 22% THC on average. Marijuana Hindu Kush Strain Review - FV KASA Hindu Kush weed is renowned for its ability to put the user to sleep, making it an excellent choice for those suffering from insomnia. Hindu Kush will lull the user into a profound sense of peace, an ability to forget the problems of the day, let go, and drift off into a deep slumber. You will have better sleep and fewer awakenings. Hindu Kush - Legal Cannabis Center Hindu Kush is a pure indica strain native to the Hindu Kush mountain range; which stretches 500 miles between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

20 Mar 2018 Bakerstreet a.k.a Hindu Kush is considered to be a pure indica strain. Hindu Kush (Hindu Kush). Strain Details: Indica – THC: 19.0%, CBD: <0.07%,. Terpenes: Myrcene, Pinene, Caryophyllene, Terpineol, & D-Limonene.

Das Clarity OG Kush Terpen ist eine Nachahmung eines wahren Klassikers in der Cannabis-Szene.Die Ursprungssorte wurde vor langer Zeit in Florida kultiviert und die Genetik entstammt einer nordamerikanischen Sorte und der Hindu-Kush Pflanze aus Amsterdam. Kiwiseeds - Hindu Kush Medical: Low THC / High CBD Kiwiseeds - Hindu Kush is a strain with low THC and high CBD strength.

Hindu kush thc und cbd

22 Sep 2017 Elemental is an award winning cannabis dispensary located in the heart of Silicon Valley. Pain Relief & Sleep Aid at Elemental though many claim it's a direct descendant of Hindu Kush landrace strains, Adding our organic outdoor grown cannabis indica, which has a high level of CBD, with the right 

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Hindu kush thc und cbd

These are compact plants with an average flowering time and which grows  Cannabis for Mr. Nice Guy in Tillamook Coast, Astoria & Warrenton. Select | 0.5G Cartridge | Black Cherry Og(92.90% THC) (1.83% CBD). Select Oil & CBD Med: $25 Rec: Flapjax | Purple Hindu Kush | Bho(69.16% THC). Flapjax Extracts 22 Sep 2017 Elemental is an award winning cannabis dispensary located in the heart of Silicon Valley. Pain Relief & Sleep Aid at Elemental though many claim it's a direct descendant of Hindu Kush landrace strains, Adding our organic outdoor grown cannabis indica, which has a high level of CBD, with the right  12 Dec 2019 Wright & Well, an Ayurveda-inspired collection of THC and CBD infused Marijuana-infused Massage Oil, with Purple Hindu Kush Oil & CBD  Wesley's Wish | CBD Rich Pineapple Tsu x Jager (Hindu Kush) East Fork Cultivars' Co-Founder & Master Grower, by crossing their favorite CBD dominant  28 Dec 2016 It's a cross between two classic strains, Hindu Kush and Purple Afghani, in cannabis strains this year is the emergence of high-CBD strains.

This pure strain is CBD %, 0.50%. Sensi #49 by Sensi Seeds is a Kush x Hindu Kush CBD hybrid available as feminised seeds, creating an Indica dominant CBD-rich plant. The vintage flavored cannabis strain Master Kush is an indica that's been popular in Dutch Coffee shops since the mid-90s. It's known Taste & Smell Both parents are landrace strains from the Hindu Kush region: Hindu Kush and Skunk. Cannabis indica is an annual plant in the Cannabaceae family. It is a putative species of the Broad-leafed Cannabis indica plants in the Indian Subcontinent are Common indica strains for recreational or medicinal use include Kush and On average, Cannabis indica has higher levels of THC compared to CBD,  8 Apr 2019 Sativa and indica are the two main types of cannabis plants.


Hindu kush thc und cbd

Buy Skunk Kush seeds Skunk #1 x Hindu Kush Pay safe & secure with Ongoing research has suggested that high THC and low CBD strains may have  Bakerstreet. THC 18 - 21%; CBD <0.07%. Traditional Name. Hindu Kush. Type. I Indica.

Das Hindukusch-Gebirge ist eine schöne Landschaft in Afghanistan. Obwohl es dort in den letzten Jahren sehr blutig zuging, gibt es in dieser Region Cannabis, das zum besten Gras gehört, das die Welt kennt. Cannabissorten und ihre THC- und CBD-Gehalte Cannabidiol (CBD) ist das häufigste Cannabinoid im Faserhanf und in Drogenhanf-Sorten oft das zweithäufigste Cannabinoid nach THC. CBD verursacht keine cannabis-typischen psychoaktiven Wirkungen. Es besitzt unter anderem antiepileptische, angstlösende, antipsychotische und entzündungshemmende Eigenschaften. 4.2 Die Wirkungen von THC Hindu Kush - Sorteninformationen - Cannaconnection.com Hindu Kush bekam ihren Namen von der Bergkette, die sich durch Pakistan und Afghanistan zieht, auch bekannt als der Hindu Kush.

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Hindu kush - chris thc and cbd cartridge shop THC:22% – 32% Effects:Euphoria, Happy, Hungry, Relaxing, Sleepy Medical:ADD/ADHD, Anxiety, Arthritis, Bipolar Disorder, Chronic Pain, Depression, Insomnia, Loss of Hindu Kush Cannabis Strain Information | Leafly Hindu Kush is a pure indica strain named after the mountain range stretching 500 miles between Pakistan and Afghanistan where it originated. The harsh climate of its homeland has conditioned this strain to express a thick, protective coat of crystal trichomes cherished by hash makers worldwide. With Die Cannabis-Sorte "Bakerstreet" – Besser leben mit Cannabis Genaue Bezeichnung: Bakerstreet (Hindu Kush) THC-Gehalt: 17-21% CBD-Gehalt: <<1% Hersteller: Tweed Herkunft: Kanada Importeur und Großhändler für Deutschland: Spektrum Cannabis GmbH Verfügbarkeit: Angekündigt Inhalt einer Dose: 5, 10 oder 20 Gramm Flos, nicht granuliert Cannabis-Typ: THC↓ Ähnliche Sorten von Typ THC↓: Bedica, Pedanios 22/1, Pedanios 18/1, Pedanios 16/1 Hindu Kush Hindu Kush (Sensi Seeds) - Zamnesia Sensi Seeds - Hindu Kush: Hindu Kush liefert Dir riesige Blüten. Kush ist ein Wort aus dem Sanskrit und beschreibt die Art und Weise, wie eine Mutter ihr Baby hält. Das nimmt Bezug auf das Gebirge, das der Hindu-Religion wie eine Wiege dient. Hindu Kush Cannabis wurde nach eben diesem Gebirgszug benannt. Das erste Mal tauchte sie in der Mitte Hindu Kush Feminisiert Samen kaufen – Sensi Seeds Die Hindu Kush ist definitiv wirksam, was die Linderung von Stress, Übelkeit und Schmerzen betrifft, aber ohne die Knockout-Wirkung, die vom Konsumenten oft nicht gewünscht ist.