It is a cross between two high-quality selections, Purple Kush and Dinamed CBD Auto, obtaining a plant with a pronounced Kushy flavour but without THC and with high CBD levels. Cannabis Samen kaufen OG Kush CBD Auto - Dinafem Auto und feminisierte CBD-Cannabis-Samen.
CBD Range: 0-1%. Dinamed Kush CBD Autoflowering – CBD-Hanfsamen Auto kaufen Dinamed Kush CBD Autoflowering hat eine ausgeprägte Indica-Statur: eine mäßige Wuchshöhe, sehr breite, fleischige Blätter, kurze Internodien, einen relativ dicken Hauptstamm, um den herum die meisten Buds wachsen, und überschaubares seitliches Zweigwerk, was ihr das buschartige Aussehen reiner CBD Auto Blackberry Kush® - CBD Auto Blackberry Kush ist eine CBD-reiche Autoflower-Samen-Sorte mit THC-Werten von in der Regel deutlich unter 1%. Bei so niedrigen THC-Werten gibt es kein psychoaktives High. So kannst du dein Cannabis genießen und mit dem Tag weitermachen!
Mit Dinamed Kush CBD Auto wird geleugnet, dass "alle CBDs gleich schmecken", denn zu konsumieren bedeutet, den Mund mit Limonen zu füllen, der für den Kush-Geruch verantwortlich ist, und ihm so ein originelles und ausgeprägtes Aroma zu verleihen. Sein Geschmack ist vergleichbar mit dem des exquisiten Purple Kush.
Sie bietet den reichen Pink Kush CBD 30:1 Auto Feminised Seeds von Seedsman - Seedsman | Pink Kush CBD Auto is the result of crossing Pink Kush CBD Auto with Pink Afghan CBD Auto strains. It is 90% indica, has a fast life-cycle and a CBD:THC ratio of at least 30:1. As an auto-flowering strain it will be suitable for just about all environments. Taking a scant 9 weeks from germination through to harvest yields are said to be good CBD Auto Charlotte's Angel® - Autoflower Hanfsamen - Dutch CBD Auto Blackberry Kush ist eine CBD-reiche Autoflower-Samen-Sorte mit THC-Werten von in der Regel deutlich unter 1%.
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Her most remarkable trait, though, is the lack of psychoactive effects in her buds, which is no surprise given her almost imperceptible THC content and high levels of CBD. Dinamed Kush CBD Auto Feminisierte Samen | Dinafem Samen | Kaufen Sie Dinamed Kush CBD Auto Feminisierte Hanfsamen von Dinafem Seeds - Die besten Preise online mit kostenlosen Samen und Lieferung. Dinamed Kush CBD Auto Feminisierte Marihuanasamen sind eine Indica / Sativa Autoflowering-Sorte mit niedrigem THC-Gehalt von 0,61 TP1 und hohem CBD-Gehalt (51 TP1 +). Sie wird hohe, mittlere Erträge geben. Kaufen Sie Hanfsamen noch heute online bei Coffee CBD Auto Purple Kush feminized seeds | Free shipping Since the CBD Kush strain is a magnificent one by itself, the growing demand for the autoflower variety has led to this brilliant species. It is a crossing of the CBD Kush with the Pink Afghan auto CBD and it resulted in this highly potent CBD auto Purple Kush seeds.
Dinamed Kush CBD Autoflowering € 11 | Hanfsamen kaufen im Suitable for Indoors and outdoors Sex Feminised autoflowering Genotype 50% Indica/ 50% Ruderalis Cross Purple Kush x Dinamed Auto CBD Comprehensive life cycle 65 days from sowing Outdoor harvest time From April to October Indoor yield 450 g/m2 Outdoor yield 100 g/plant Outdoor height 1 m THC 0.6% CBD 16% CBD MedGom Auto | CBD Crew CBD MedGom Auto.
Buy OG Kush CBD Auto Dinafem Seeds FEM | Original Seeds Store OG Kush CBD Auto | Dinafem Seeds. OG Kush Autoflowering CBD cannabis seeds by Dinafem Seeds belong to a feminized CBD-rich cannabis strain derived from the cross between an OG Kush Autoflowering and an Auto CBD. California’s pet strain, autoflowering and CBD-rich These last years’ greatest cannabis strain has been, without a shadow of a Seedsman Purple Kush CBD 1:1 Auto Feminised Seeds – Greybeard - $0.00 - Details Purple Kush CBD 1:1 Auto feminised is the product of a cross between Purple Kush Auto CBD x Purple Afghan Auto CBD. It is 90% indica and 10% sativa in terms of its genetics. This strain is the 1:1 (CBD:THC) version of Pink Kush CBD 30:1 Auto. Total grow time is just 9 weeks from germination. It achieves a… Auto CBD Kush Feminized Cannabis Seeds Auto CBD Kush Cannabis Seeds Feminized. As the name suggests, the CBD Kush is a strain that’s very rich in CBD. Usually, the portion of CBD is greater than THC and the ratio between CBD and THC can vary from 1:1 to 4:1. Purple Kush CBD 1:1 Auto - Feminized Description.
Her most remarkable trait, though, is the lack of psychoactive effects in her buds, which is no surprise given her almost imperceptible THC content and high levels of CBD. Dinamed Kush CBD Auto Feminisierte Samen | Dinafem Samen | Kaufen Sie Dinamed Kush CBD Auto Feminisierte Hanfsamen von Dinafem Seeds - Die besten Preise online mit kostenlosen Samen und Lieferung. Dinamed Kush CBD Auto Feminisierte Marihuanasamen sind eine Indica / Sativa Autoflowering-Sorte mit niedrigem THC-Gehalt von 0,61 TP1 und hohem CBD-Gehalt (51 TP1 +). Sie wird hohe, mittlere Erträge geben. Kaufen Sie Hanfsamen noch heute online bei Coffee CBD Auto Purple Kush feminized seeds | Free shipping Since the CBD Kush strain is a magnificent one by itself, the growing demand for the autoflower variety has led to this brilliant species. It is a crossing of the CBD Kush with the Pink Afghan auto CBD and it resulted in this highly potent CBD auto Purple Kush seeds.
King's Kush CBD Auto by Green House Seeds is a medicinal autoflowering Kush strain that has high CBD levels and low THC levels; no psychoactive effect. We are glad to present here at, Dinamed Kush CBD Auto by Dinafem Seeds, a variety that combines the best of CBD Rich and Kush. Now available in Alchimiaweb's catalogue of autoflowering feminised cannabis seeds, we present Green House Seeds' King's Kush Auto CBD, an automatic Buy Dinamed Kush CBD Auto Dinafem Seeds Feminized online from Original Seeds Store! Worldwide shipping and Choose your own Free Cannabis Seeds. Buy Afghan Kush CBD Autoflowering by WorldPharma Seeds! ✅ The best Afghan chemovar with guatanteed CBD and terpenes values.
Die Dinamed Kush CBD Autoflowering | Dinafem | Cannabissamen - Dinamed Kush CBD Autoflowering von Dinafem ist eine reine CBD-Sorte ohne jegliche psychotropen Effekte.
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Buy Pink Kush CBD Auto feminized cannabis seeds from Seedsman. A CBD-rich strain with fruity, pine flavors and a calm, soothing high. Details Purple Kush CBD 1:1 Auto feminised is the product of a cross between Purple Kush Auto CBD x Purple Afghan Auto CBD. It is 90% indica and 10% Buy Afghan Kush CBD Autoflowering by WorldPharma Seeds! ✅ The best Afghan chemovar with guatanteed CBD and terpenes values. At La Mota's online growshop you can buy CBD AUTO BLACKBERRY KUSH autoflowering cannabis seeds by Dutch Passion. We have the best CBD AUTO Buy Pink Kush CBD Auto feminized cannabis seeds from Seedsman. A CBD-rich strain with fruity, pine flavors and a calm, soothing high.